To Enhance Your Love and Sexual Pleasure
Welcome to this page full of goodies and great information.
Scroll down to see these:
✓ Sex Toys - See Our Current Favorite Sex Toys
(We created a separate page of sex toy favorites because we had so many! 🥰)
✓ Trainings
✓ Books
✓ Business Resources
✓ Mindfulness Resources
✓ How to Find a Certified Sex Therapist
✓ Helpful Online Sexual Health Content (Coming Soon)
✓ Love Filled Life's Most Popular Content (Coming Soon)
Please note that some of the items are affiliate links, which means that I'll receive a small commission if you choose to buy it through the links on this page. There is no additional cost to you and no obligation to purchase through my site. I wanted to be upfront and let you know that!
OMG-Yes is a website of research-based content showcasing real women and their stories of finding sexual pleasure. It is helpful for women to learn how to touch themselves in pleasurable ways, better and more enjoyable ways to masturbate, and for their male or female partners to understand how to sexually touch them.
Take Charge of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Learn how to treat erectile dysfunction and transform your sex life into something magnificent. Whether you are an individual with erection troubles or the partner of someone with erectile dysfunction (ED), this course has the help you need to take charge of ED.
Toy Talk
Learn all about sex toys and how to use sex toys to enhance your pleasure and add some vavoom to your sex life.

10 Days to Better Relationships
Transform your relationships in 10 days! Join our challenge for actionable daily steps to connect deeply with yourself and loved ones.

30 Conversation Starters
Download this wonderful list of 30 Conversation Starters to feel closer to your partner.

69 Ways to Add Spice to Your Sex Life
Download this helpful guide with 69 simple ways to take your sex life from boring to vavoom!
Trauma Therapist Network Community
Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, created a membership community where trauma and attachment therapists gather for live calls (on Zoom) every week and she offers many resources to help trauma therapists. Laura is the host of the podcasts Therapy Chat and Trauma Chat. You can use the coupon code: TTNSAVE20 to save an additional 20% on your first month of membership!
CBT Help for Insomnia
Help for Insomnia from sleep expert, Dr. Yishan Xu, Ph.D. Yishan hosts sleep and mental health podcasts in both English and Chinese.
You may have the best business ideas, but if you don't know how to get it out there to the world, well, no one will benefit. If you are just starting out or have been in business for a while, the following resources may help you to grow your online business or your online presence.
KAJABI - This is the all-in-one platform I use for my website and business. I can't tell you how much I LOVE Kajabi and how it makes running my business so much easier! Here's a link for a 30-Day free trail.
LINKEDIN - Justin Welsh's course on how to use LinkedIn and his helpful templates simplified how to maximize LinkedIn as a social media marketing channel.
CONTENT CREATION AND MANAGEMENT - Justin Welsh's course on Content Creation helped me learn a system for how to create and repurpose content.
MESSAGE: I apologize if you see broken links below. These link to Amazon and they recently changed procedures which is causing the images to not show up. I will hopefully fix them soon!
The following are a variety of books. I've culled the list to have the best of the best in each category. I've read most of them and given them a 4 or 5 star rating (or they wouldn't make it only my list). Clicking on any of the images below will take you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but there is no obligation for you to purchase from Amazon. Your library may even have many of these books! The first list is just for fun and I update it regularly. I included it because I love to read. Plus, some of the non-fiction books can be heavy, so make sure you intersperse some fun reading into your mix!
Books I've Read Recently for Pure Fun
Mindfulness Apps:
✓ Headspace (paid)
✓ Calm (paid)
✓ UCLA Mindful (free)
✓ Healthy Minds (free)
✓ Insight Timer (free)
✓ Smiling Mind (free)
Mindfulness Websites:
To find a Certified Sex Therapist near you:
The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists